Swaraj Chitrakar – Kathmandu – Swaraj is in his late 20’s and is working at a museum and looking to become a photographer.
His challenge: He came to me wanting to gain confidence and find a goal and purpose in his life.
His state of mind before he started: I was on a journey to find myself and feel fulfilled. I didn’t feel a sense of achievement even when I did something or had the confidence to take on something new. I would keep questioning my decisions. I felt stuck. The worse situation was the feeling of being stuck and not making progress with who I am and Who I wanted to be.
During our sessions: After starting sessions with Dipti I felt free to talk about my thoughts and was able to put myself in the open and be honest with myself. The questions that she raised helped me find the answers to better my life. She made me believe in myself which I always had a hard time believing.
Foundation session: The foundation session was an eye opener for me and it made me understand how I really feel about myself and the person that I really want to be.
Results after the session: From running to being a perfectionist and not doing what needs to be done, doubting myself, questioning myself. I am happier with myself and my achievements. I have a sense of confidence and fulfilment which I have never felt before. I have started to
believe in my journey and have decided to do whatever it takes to reach my destination. The biggest benefit was to be able to talk freely about my feelings without any judgement and see myself progress with every session.
Taking it forward: I expect to be more of myself and push towards who I really want to be in life. Everything feels easier now as I am certain about the things I want in life
Deepika – Siliguri, West Bengal India »